Wayapa Wuurk

Cena od AUD 30,00 AUD
  • Trvanie: 90 Minút (cca.)
  • Kód produktu: WW
Come and join in on the earth connection modality that is Wayapa Wuurk with Ngaran Ngaran. 

Inspired by its co founders Jamie Marloo Thomas and Sara Jones encompassing the 14 Wayapa elements, the focus on mind, body & spirit wellbeing for the people and the earth is ultra important to make more prominent in the world today.   

This virtual workshop will journey through the narrative of the Wayapa elements looking at the embodiment within the mind, then the proceeding physical practice and finally the spiritual facets are flowing throughout the process. 

This style of Wayapa is about infusing a deep and rich bloodline ancestral connection with the old people of this land, with the incredible core universal custodian message of looking after and connecting with the earth first.    

Dwayne has an experienced and unique cultural healing toolkit that he brings to the space, he also feels this is an integral and important modality of holistic wellness that he wants to offer you. Healing of the people is also the healing of the land! 

Workshop Details 

  • Duration - 90 mins 


The content presented by Wayapa Wuurrk Pty Ltd (“Wayapa”) is for your

personal, non-commercial use only. All material posted remains the property of

Wayapa. Except as permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), you may not

reproduce any of the content from a virtual Wayapa presentation without

Wayapa’s written permission. You are not permitted to record the presentations.

The information provided in this virtual workshop is for educational and

discussion purposes only. Wayapa is an accredited modality with the

International Institute for Complementary Therapists. The information contained

in this workshop does not constitute professional health advice and there is no

intention to create any advisor / client relationship in respect of the information


In order for Wayapa to exercise a duty of care over workshop participants it is

highly recommended that participants have their videos on at all times during

the virtual workshop. If a participant chooses not to do so, the Wayapa

Practitioner accepts no legal liability whatsoever arising from this action.